1. How can I get consulted or view products directly?

  • You can contact the hotline: 0934 789 342 to receive direct advice from staff.

  • You can see the products directly at the Showroom.
    Address: 20 đường P, phường Tân Phong, quận 7, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Thành phố Hồ Chí MinhDirections

Thank you for your interest in and exploration of our products!

2. How can I receive notifications or have the opportunity to own products at great prices?

The good price support program will be an opportunity to own products to create a positive interaction between Dong Tam furniture brand and valuable customers.

Thank you for your interest in and exploration of our products!

3. Shipping fee support policy?

In order to support customers well, Dong Tam wooden furniture brand has a free shipping policy within the Ho Chi Minh City area.

For orders from all over the country that are outside the scope of shipping support, you can contact the hotline directly at 0934 789 342 so we can provide the best guidance and support.

Thank you for your interest in and exploration of our products!